
How to add the YouTube widget to your blog

- May 30, 2018
How to add the YouTube widget to your website/blog

Increasing your traffic is all sharing and placing widget on social media.
Increasing your YouTube views or traffic needs you to promote your YouTube video either on social media or placing the video on your website /blog.

Here are the methods of placing the YouTube video on your website/blog:

Method 1:For blogger website

Step 1

Login in to your YouTube account and choose the channel you wish to promote its video.

Note:it must done on a good browser like chrome,mozilla Firefox,internet explorer.

Step 2

Click on the video you wish to share to your blog/website.

Step 3

Click on share to blogger and you will see that you've been redirected to a page to help you edit the post before you publish,give the post a name and a description under it and also a label.

The last step

Click on publish, then your video will be published to your blog

Method 2 For other website e.g WordPress

Login in to your YouTube account using a good browser like chrome, Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer.

Step 2

Choose the channel you wish to share its video on your blog.

Step 3

Choose the video and under it you will see "add this widget to your web” click on it and you will see the widget code,copy the code and login to your website.

Click on “New post” and add the code as the content and give it a description under the widget code and also a title and categorise it.

When you are click on publish then you will see that your video has been published to your blog. The video can now be streamed online without redirecting your viewers to your channel.

I hope this method will help you out.
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