How to create a facebook page
Creating a facebook page can't be that hard,all you need is:
A working facebook account
A good or solid title
A website link (not compulsory)
A good picture of different size
A good page description
Here are the steps to take in order to create a facebook page
Go to and login to your facebook account, if you don't have a facebook account
See: How to create a facebook account.
When you've successfully login go to menu and scroll down to see my page, click on it and you will be redirect to the registration page.
You will be asked for the page title,enter the page title and then press next, you will be asked to add a description to your page,when you're done adding the description
press next and you will be asked to choose a category and a subcategory for the page,press next and you will see that you have successfully created a facebook page,all you need to do then is to upload a cover photo and also add your website link or your phone number and email, location.if you don't have a website
See:How to set up a blog
Hope you enjoy the tutorial.
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