Have you been receiving less traffic and it feels like you're not trying your best. Writing articles and publishing your article, passing through a lot of stress just to keep your blog users updated.
But despite all your stress you've not been receiving much traffic, sometimes you will feel bad. Well there must be something going on with your blog with you not reaching your full potential.
Not to worry. I have here the ways to drive traffic to your blog. Check out the easy ways of driving traffics to your site.
With these easy ways,I can assure you that you will get to receive much traffic less than a week. This process sure helps me.
Below are the listed ways of getting the easy traffic :
--> Optimise your website content/article.
--> Make use of social media.
--> Plan your content.
--> Enable in-content link/Guest post.
--> Rewrite/repackage your article/content.
Step 1. Optimise your website content/article
The first thing to apply for is to optimise your blog content/article, doing this will help you a lot in the terms of increasing your web content traffic volume.
When designing your content picture you should design content picture to be more fancy and attractive to your existing users or to whoever that might come across your content in order to clicks to your site/blog.
In order to follow your website/blog traffic, you should install Google Analytics tracking code to your site. Ignore this if you've installed it on your blog already.
There are some of other web traffic tracker if you don't prefer the use of Google Analytics.
Here are two of them :
--> Mix panel
--> Clicky Analytics
Below are some of the most important metrics you should follow on your sites:
--> Page views.
--> Unique visitors(users)
--> Bounce rate.
--> Page per visit(pages/session)
--> Average time on site.
--> Traffic source(search,direct,referral and social media)
--> Exit pages
Step 2: Make use of Social media
When we talk about the big key on driving traffics to your blog. Social media take a big part in driving traffic to your blog, it takes a big role as it is the major key in driving traffic and showcasing your content to the people who use social media. It helps you to reach more people who have interests in your content.
It is highly recommended to use social media for your blog to generate substantial amount of traffic. This is a better method and more verified way of driving lots of traffic. Social media to use for blog includes Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Likedln.
These social media networks mentioned above helps a lot in driving traffics. You just don't get traffic on these social media just like that unless you've got what it takes and that means you have to make some sacrifice to attract visitors to your blog through the social media.
This sacrifices are being explained below :
A. Optimise your post.
In order to drive traffic or attract visitors to your blog through the social media you need to optimise your post.
You can optimise your post by doing these:
I. Create a high quality/attractive photo.
II. Writing quality description.
III. Use a compelling link description under the photo.
B. Don't be Spammy
In order to be true and Spammy about posting to the media network you have to follow some rules. Some of the rules are
I. Don't repost the same content over and over again.
II. Don't post too frequently.
III. Schedule your posting.
If you follow the above rules you will surely be true and at the end of the days traffic will come in to your blog and also you won't be blocked or referred as spammy on social media networks.
C. Make your content share-able
Adding sharing button to your blog will help you a lot in many ways. This allows your visitors to share your content in their timeline and also on the other hand giving you another opportunity of getting visitors to your blog. Care to add the social media share button?
Check these websites that helps you to integrate the social media share button to your blog.
--> Share counts
--> Share this
--> Add this
--> Sumo Share app.
These above tips will help you to maximise your social media network traffic. To get started create a facebook page and group --> How to create facebook page and group-->
When done with that, you need to post regularly to keep your page visitors, if you want to automatically post to your facebook page whenever you create a post on your blog. Check --> How to automatically post to your Facebook page and group.
Step 3. Plan your content
Getting more traffic,users and visitors is so easy If you know how to write a well planned and fancy headlines. Great headline are the keys of getting more visitors on whatever platform your post may appear.
Make sure you plan your content headlines to make it more professional to enhance those who come across your post.
Writing a fancy and well planned content headlines helps your blog to stand out and helps you grow ranks in Google Search and social media Analytics.
To get your blog article headlines well planned you need the right keywords to help you get more traffic in order to get the right keyword use Google Keyword planner.
Search word based in your blog niche and also make sure you pay attention to the average monthly searches of the keyword you intend to use, you should be more focus on keywords that are less competitive and in which get a lot of searches.
Take the following into consideration when creating an article headline:
--> Create sense of urgency if viewers.
--> Use power word to attract clicks.
--> Make your article headline value stay clear.
--> Ask questions.
--> Trigger the emotion of readers
Use the website below to analyse your article headline when creating them :
--> Impact blog title generator.
--> Sumo headline generator.
--> Seopressor blog title generator
--> Co-schedule headline analyser
Another key part of getting your visitor come back for more Is by creating/writing a well defined content. When your site doesn't have an article to please your readers they bounce out and this will affect your traffic.
Getting your readers to read your articles unto the end is the best, it will show that you own a good blog and this will increase your site traffic.
Below are the way of getting planned for a steady post read:
(A) Making your readers hooked to your article at the beginning is a great way of making your reader getting relaxed. You should tell story or be more narrative/explanative to get the mind of your reader on what you are about to teach them.
This is the best way of making them stay on your blog to read what you are about to say, try writing with you thinking you are reader, state the problems you have face on the particular article and why decided to post the articles.
(B) Use shorter paragraph, don't make it look too dull.
Make use of shorter paragraph with about 3-5 lines to make your blog content look neat and attractive to readers.
(C) Always go through your article on and in most of time.
This will make you certain you are using the right word and also makes you certified that you don't have mistakes on your articles, so as to make your article more readable and clearer to your readers. This helps a lot to correct your mistakes.
(D) Learn to make user/reader think you are right.
Write your articles in a way that will make readers think you are right, telling them the exact ways you've come across the same issue and the solutions of getting out of the issues.
Step 4. Enable in-content link and Guest post.
Doing this is a way of recurring traffic throughout your blog, therefore increasing your traffic.
You should always include in-content link redirecting your readers to a particular article to give them a better views, understanding what you're letting them know in the previous post. This will help them to be able to be certain about what you're teaching them.
--> You should also include guest posting, this will help you get to know your reader/user on what they really want and what they know. This allows proper interaction between you and them.
Step 5: Re-write/re-package your article/content.
Never leave at article thinking It's old and irrelevant, this could kill your blog traffic, instead of deleting articles, reconstruct then to how you see it fit.
Rewrite your article and stuff it with new features in order to make it brand new. Repost the article to your social media networks page and don't forget to make it look like a repost.
Create a video for your content making it looking so sweet so that your readers won't overlook it. Make sure your video is so explanative and educative, if possible you could use amazing animation in the creation of the video. You could monetise your video on YouTube and earn from Google Adsense.
With the above steps and ways of getting more traffic both from Google Search and social media.
You will get to know that you will benefit from it, if you work accordingly to how it goes. You will get better results within a week.
This article steps was tested by me and it really worked for me.
Do you have any other questions don't forget to comment and also share this post, because sharing is caring.