
How to create a free blog with blogger

- December 07, 2018

Creating a blog is not that tough. A blog is being created for a purpose it's either you wish to share ideas or to help others, be its in fashion way, tech way or financial ways of helping people.

Having a blog also earns you income and that could help you pay your bills and do other things you ever dream of.

Are you new to blogging and you wish to set-up a blog at no cost then this post is for you. I'll explain in this post the ways of getting your own personal blog or general blog at no cost and it's hassle free. That's the reason why I bring to you Blogger(Google own free blogging platform ) This platform helps you on creating a free blog.

What is Blogger 

Blogger.com is a free hosting platform owned by Google. Blogger is a platform where you can create a free blog with the .blogspot.com subdomain I.e (your name.blogspot.com) or you can get to buy your domain at a cheaper price to have you perfect blog I.e (www.yourname.com) This custom domain is recommended for you to get a professional blog to clear sight for you.

The benefits of starting a blog on blogger.com

--> Starting a blog on blogger.com Is fast and free easy to launch. This is one of its super feature.

--> The site is secure and own by a trusted platform (Google).

--> Blogger.com is free and it gives you the freedom of writing your own code and more features.

--> Blogger.com offers you Google Adsense to monetize your blog and other programs that deals with advertisement publisher and affiliate marketing.

With the few knowledge about Blogger.com, let's get to learn how to create a successful blog.

Below are the steps of creating your own blog: 

--> Creating a blogger account.

--> Choosing a Blog name and Theme 

--> Optimizing your blog. 

--> Editing the theme and layout.

--> Publishing your content/post.

--> Monetising your blog with Adsense and other ads site. 

                       STEP 1


Let's get started with the steps of creating a blog. First, go to www.blogger.com and you will land on a beautiful landing page where you will be able to create a free blog.

Before you can create a blog account you must have an active google account(gmail). You should sign in with your gmail account or register if you don't have one.

After you log in, you will be asked to use blogger or Google Plus profile for your profile.

It's good to use Google Plus as your profile bio on the blog arena.

On the next screen, click on “Create your blog” button again to launch your first blog. This is when you get to the Final stage.

                         STEP 2


A new screen will pop-up as soon as you click next. Then you will be asked to select a domain for your blog.

Domain name --> is an address through which people can come across or access your blog. The domain name is unique, it just like giving your home address for people to locate you.

Choose a short domain yet unique and also the domain name should be relevant to your blog topic.

When you are done choosing a domain name click “NEXT” This will prompt a screen to choose your theme(a theme helps you decide how your blog will look like) for your blog and click “CREATE A BLOG”.

A theme can be changed anytime you want. This is essential, you should get a theme that is more responsive.

                        STEP 3


When you're done creating your blog the next thing to do is to optimise it for the search engine not access your blog and then make your blog visible and popular.

This process is not difficult, it's as easy as ABC.  You can access it in the panel area(dashboard).
You just have to click the option “SETTINGS” and you do the optimizing thing for your blog.


Adding a description to your blogger's blog helps your readers and search engine to know about your blog.

The next thing is selecting “BASIC SETTINGS OPTION ” under the “SETTINGS” writing a better description helps to boost your blog traffic.  You should write an effective meta description to get the best.


This helps to optimise your home page 📄 and this will show your single post settings
This tool helps to get your site post,this settings helps you to allow comment and to backlink or not.


This is the segment, where you can optimize your blog for search engines.

--> Create “Custom page not found
This custom page not found is what you create for your blog. This is when people land on your website through a URL link that doesn't exist. This will serve as a message to your blog user.

--> META TAGS : You need to write good meta tags about your blog. This will appear on search engines and will attract more users to your blog. The meta tags appears when your blog is searched.

--> CUSTOM REDIRECT : This is what you create for people who clicked a link to a post that doesn't exist on your site anymore. This will help redirects your user to the main page.

                        STEP 4 


Blogger has a large range of free templates that are basic and simple. You can get to use premium theme to make your blog look fancy.  You can get a lot of templates here:


Creating a good logo helps to Identify your blog details.
Blogger allow you to set a custom logo for your blog.
You can design your logo by using the best photo editor 🔗 . You should assign a great logo because your logo speaks louder 🔊  for your blog. After, you've got your logo you will go to the layout option and select edit link in the header box. Click on it and then upload the logo and use it


The Navbar is a bar on top of your every page 📄 and it has links to redirect people to other people's blogs.
To remove the Navbar, you click on “EDIT” link and then turn it off.


A custom gadget is a pre made code snippet that helps you add various function to your blog you can add any gadget of HTML format.

                       STEP 5 


Publishing your content is the best thing to do so as to get noticed by people. Content is the king 👑  of blogging. Here are the important page to create: ABOUT PAGE 📄, PRIVACY POLICY and DISCLAIMER PAGE. 

These page should contain your mission and the purpose of your blog to the people visiting. This will let them know much about your blog.  You just need to introduce your blog to the readers/users.


This is a page that contains legal clarification on what your site/blog visitor's data is handled. This gives them peace of mind and also Google Adsense like this page, it's part of their reviews method to approve a site/blog for monetization.


Writing a blog post is not that tough, it's just that you need to be informative and interesting when writing your blog post.
Make sure you write post that are based on your site/blog keyword. Always do the keyword researching according to your blog niche.

To write a post, go to blogger dashboard choose the box “NEW POST” you will be redirected to a page where you can edit and write post, title and content.
The editor is easy to use if you have a previous experience on Microsoft Word.

Be informative and interesting when writing your post content. Choose to search for keyword which are less competitive. Make sure you publish up to 10 blog post before trying to monetize your blog so as to get approve.

                       STEP 6


After all the features mentioned above, blogger comes with a free way of monetizing your blog with Google Adsense.

There are many ways of monetizing 💰  your blog without even showing ads, but we are here to talk about Google Adsense go to --> Earnings and click apply for Adsense «-- SEE --> How to register for a Google Adsense account .

After This all you need is to increase your blog, this will increase your revenue SEE--> The 5 unique ways to increase your blog traffic.

After applying, all you need is to get approve and that is the hardest part 💪,  I'm not trying to scare you but it's hard to get approved. But I'll help you out SEE--> How to get approve by Google Adsense fast.

Watch the Tutorial below

 This has been a great day, enjoy creating your blog and welcome the blogging family/community.

Hope this tutorial helps you out. 
Sharing is caring. 😃😃😃